Tetbury currently has two allotment sites with a further site due to be available shortly.

New Picket Harp Allotments

Number of plots
There are 29 plots, ranging in size from 65sqm to 130sqm.

Allotment Rents
The allotment rents range from £20 a year for a small plot to £40 for a large one, there is a waiting list and this is actively managed.

All allotments have sheds (although these are shared for small plots), taps and water troughs are evenly distributed over the site. A Community Orchard has also been created for all plot-holders to benefit from and enjoy.

The allotments committee is chaired by Charlie Grene

If you would like to be added to the waiting list please contact Tetbury Town Council 01666 504670 or email ceo@tetbury.gov.uk and your details will be passed to the NPHAA Membership secretary.
The New Picket Harp Allotments are off  Cornwall Close, Tetbury and although they are owned by Tetbury Town Council they are run by the New Picket Harp Allotments Association (NPHAA)

Herd Lane Allotments

The Herd Lane Allotments owned and managed by Tetbury Feoffees.

If you would like to be added to their waiting list please contact the Feoffees directly through their website.

Highfield Farm Development

The Highfield Farm Development Allotments are now available

If you would like to add your name to the waiting list for these new allotments then please email your name, address and contact number to: ceo@tetbury.gov.uk